A Pilgrimage of the Heart: Walter Hilton and the English Mystical Tradition
“We’re invited to become friends with these great mystical companions in order to make our own pilgrimages; whether activist or contemplative, especially devout or just travellers on the way. Here is rich fayre more than sufficient for transformative journeys.”
– The Very Rev. David Monteith
Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, UK
A practical guide to the spiritual life drawing upon the rich resources of the 14th century English Mystical Tradition. Fr. Goodrich’s A Pilgrimage of the Heart introduces readers to the most well-known mystics and spiritual writers of this period, including Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle, the anonymous author of The Cloud of Unknowing, Julian of Norwich, and Margery Kempe. Great for individual, small group, or church wide study. Get your copy now.

The Greatest Desire: Daily Readings with Walter Hilton
“Walter Hilton’s generous love of God and people is a lost treasure now uncovered to inspire our restless age with timeless spiritual insights and wisdom.”
– The Very Rev. Nicola Sullivan
Dean of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, UK
This devotional volume, edited by Fr. Goodrich, contains short selections of Walter Hilton’s spiritual writings. Hilton, a 14th century English mystic and spiritual director, was a contemporary of Julian of Norwich. An ideal book for meditation and reflection by individuals and groups. Get your copy now,

Mystic Bonfires: Walter Hilton and the Development of Practical Spiritual Theology
“Mystic Bonfires revives Hilton’s tradition to work in tandem with a creative and contemporary practical spiritual theology. Its integration of spiritual theology with pastoral theology points a way for pastors, spiritual directors, Christian educators, and church evangelists to recover this living contemplative tradition at the heart of the church’s mission.”
– The Rev. Dr. Julia Gatta
The University of the South, School of Theology, Sewanee, Tennessee
Fr. Goodrich’s Mystic Bonfires is a scholarly book helpful for academically minded readers with interests in spiritual theology, practical theology, and how the mystical spirituality of the past can be reappropriated for ministry, formation, and spiritual direction today. Get your copy now.

Cell Phone Spirituality: What your cell phone can teach you about life and God. 3rd edition
“Some books just analyze and separate. This one synthesizes and puts back together things that never should have been separated-while fully recognizing the busyness and endless options of our lives. Trust Kevin Goodrich to be a solid and very creative spiritual guide!”
– Father Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Fr. Goodrich’s Cell Phone Spirituality is a helpful book for individual or group study. Get your copy now.

Plugging into God’s Story: A Practical Introduction to Reading and Understanding the Bible. 2nd Edition.
“A nice, user-friendly introduction to the plotline of the Bible. Should be very helpful for seekers and new believers to begin to get into the message of Scripture.”
– Dr. Robert Newman, Professor Emeritus, Biblical Seminary
Fr. Goodrich’s Plugging into God’s Story is a helpful book for individual or group study. Get your copy now.

Anglican Dominicans: An Introduction for Seekers and the Curious. 2nd edition
“Informative is not a sufficient word for the scope of this work. It is informative, but it is more. It is invitational. It invites one to learn, know, and discern, and possibly relate to the Dominican way of being spiritual.”
– The Very Rev. Dr. Jeffery Mackey, O.P.A.
Founder, Anglican Order of Preachers
Fr. Goodrich’s Anglican Dominicans is a helpful book for individuals or small groups wanting to learn more about Dominican spirituality and life in the Anglican Tradition. Get your copy now.