Shorter Biography
Father Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is a friar under life vows in the Anglican Order of Preachers (aka “The Dominicans”). Father Goodrich serves as Pastor of Christ Episcopal Church in Westerly, Rhode Island.
He’s known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the everyday challenges of life. He teaches in the Doctor of Ministry and preaching education programs for the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. As a child he had a dream that birthed a hunger to know God.
This spiritual hunger took him on a quest. A quest of experimenting with many religions and spiritualities. This search led to his discovery of the writings of the Christian mystics. The mystics led to his decision for Christ and the Church.
He holds degrees in philosophy, divinity, counseling, and literature, as well as two doctoral degrees, one in spirituality, one in theology. Fr. Goodrich is the author of the book, A Pilgrimage of the Heart: Walter Hilton and the English Mystical Tradition.
He enjoys a good laugh, a good hike, a good boxing match, and listening to the music of Dean Martin.
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Longer Biography
The Reverend Doctor Kevin Goodrich, O.P.A., is an Episcopal (Anglican) priest, Dominican tertiary, spiritual director, and theologian. Father Goodrich serves as the Rector of Christ Episcopal Church in Westerly, Rhode Island. Father Goodrich is an advocate for the Anglican Tradition of Christianity. Yet his teaching is ecumenical in spirit. He stresses commonalities across Christian denominations while maintaining a respectful and generous approach to the differences between them.
His earned degrees from Mainline, Evangelical, and Roman Catholic schools inform this ecumenical approach. He has taught for Protestant and Catholic universities.
Father Goodrich has ministered in rural, suburban, and urban communities in the United States and Canada. He has served Lutheran and Anglican congregations.
His ministry has included conservative churches and liberal churches, larger and smaller churches, as well as worship settings described as high church and low church. Father Goodrich’s wide experience in ministry has included work among a diversity of people in terms of race, culture, age, and class.
He has preached in city cathedrals and in country churches in the United States, as well as in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. He has led numerous retreats, quiet days, and workshops on the spiritual life.
Fr. Goodrich holds degrees in philosophy, divinity, counseling, and literature. He also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) in Christian Spirituality from Nashotah House Seminary, in Nashotah, Wisconsin, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Practical Theology from St. Thomas University, in Miami, Florida.
As a theologian and spiritual teacher he is interested how ancient and medieval forms of spirituality can contribute to human flourishing. This includes how they can contribute to discussions of a range of contemporary issues, such as artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, kindness and cultural civility, preaching, congregational life, as well as the integration of faith with daily life.
Fr. Goodrich has supervised seminarians in fieldwork settings. He has taught in diocesan, seminary, and graduate programs training lay and ordained ministers.
Fr. Goodrich is the author of five books, A Pilgrimage of the Heart: Walter Hilton and the English Mystical Tradition, Mystic Bonfires: Walter Hilton and the Development of Practical Spiritual Theology, Cell Phone Spirituality: What Your Cell Phone can Teach You about Life and God, Plugging into God’s Story: A Practical Introduction to Reading and Understanding the Bible and Anglican Dominicans: An Introduction for Seekers and the Curious. He is the editor of the devotional volume, The Greatest Desire: Daily Readings with Walter Hilton.