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Month: December 2020

4 Ways to Harness the Power of Preaching

A musician playing the cello. Preaching can be likened to playing music.

The pulpit. Your local church may have one, it may not. Those that preach in your local church may use the pulpit, they may not. Yet, the formal proclamation of the Christian faith, rooted in the Holy Scriptures, is a mainstay of most Christian congregations.

I use the word pulpit to distinguish the kind of preaching that happens during a service from other types of Christian proclamation that may happen outside of worship. 

There is a particular power to this kind of formal preaching. A power rooted in the Holy Spirit, the authority of the Scriptures, and the dynamics of a particular community of Christians gathering at a particular time for worship. 🙏

            Dr. Thomas Long, long time professor of preaching writes in one of his books,

            “God calls the whole church to proclaim the Gospel, and every disciple of Jesus Christ is a part of this calling. The whole church proclaims the gospel, and the preaching of sermons is but one part of this larger ministry.”

The Witness of Preaching

It is important to remember that preaching is one part of the Church’s larger ministry of proclaiming the mystery of God. Still, preaching can inspire, equip, and energize individuals and congregations in the way of Jesus. A way that can transform lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. 💨

Here are four ways to harness the power of the pulpit for consideration by listeners to sermons, preachers, as well as lay and ordained leaders of congregations.   

1. Take preaching seriously as an individual

Preaching is important not because of the preacher, but because of you. If you are part of a local congregation preaching is one of the most regular forms of instruction and inspiration you receive in the faith. Are you taking advantage of the sermon? Do you give it serious attention and consideration? Are you reflecting on it later that day or week?

Here are some ways for you as an individual to harness the power of preaching:

Read the Scriptures that will be preached ahead of time. This could be the night before or before the service begins. Strive to pay attention. Ask God to help you stick with the sermon even when the preacher does not hold your attention.

You may discover a truth about the faith, an insight into a Bible passage you would have missed had you not made the effort. Find opportunities to discuss the sermon with others. The discussion could be two sentences on the way to lunch. The discussion could be a lively conversation with your family at home.

⚡ Shocking Suggestion: Talk to the preacher about their sermon. (Wow. I know talking to a preacher. It will be ok. Try it!)

2. Take preaching seriously as a congregation.

As a congregation takes preaching more seriously, preaching will become more helpful to individuals.  If the proclamation of the Word of God is important then congregations will organize themselves in ways that highlight the importance of this ministry. Certainly, this is not the only ministry that should be highlighted but it should be one of them.

Here are some ways for your congregation to harness the power of preaching:

Post the assigned texts for a given sermon ahead of time. Point people to a webpage that lists the readings for the coming Sunday. Provide some instruction and discussion about sermons.

People are not always clear about the purpose of sermons or what they should be listening for or doing in response to them. If our congregations do not provide this sort of instruction then we are limiting the power sermons could have in our individual and collective lives.

⚡ Shocking Suggestion: Invite your congregation to respond to a sermon within the service itself. (This can work with smaller churches and larger churches.)

3. Allow your pastor to take preaching seriously

Parish pastors and preachers know they should take preaching seriously. A serious commitment to studying the Scriptures and proclaiming them are explicit in most vows of ordination. No doubt a small number of pastors choose not to take preaching seriously, yet two challenges confront even the most diligent of preachers. The challenges of time and encouragement.

Here are some ways to allow your pastor to harness the power of preaching:

Have an expectation as a congregation for a solid, thoughtful, and faithful pulpit ministry. Then support your pastor in taking significant time each week for prayer, study, and preparation. Give your pastor positive and constructive feedback.

Many preachers become discouraged because they deliver sermons week after week and receive little meaningful feedback. “Good sermon, Father,” is nice but not always meaningful. Also, allow others to preach occasionally so your pastor is not on every week. These breaks will improve their preaching.

⚡ Shocking Suggestion: Have a continuing education fund for sermon workshops, books and resources. (Also, encourage your pastor to use the fund!).

4. Take preaching seriously in candidates for ordination

Not every minister, priest, or pastor is gifted in preaching and teaching. Yet, every minister, priest, or pastor should have proficiency in preaching and teaching.

The knowledge and skills used in sermon preparation and delivery are used by all ministers, even if they are not regulars in the pulpit. A candidate’s potential as a preacher should be explored early in the ordination process.

Here are some ways to harness the power of preaching through ordination:

From the beginning of the process encourage potential ministers to develop their public speaking abilities. More opportunities for ministers in training to receive positive and constructive feedback about their sermons is essential.

Give sufficient time and attention to preaching in the curriculum, whether in an academic institution (e.g. seminary, theological college) or an alternative program (e.g. diocesan school of formation, local pastor program, etc.)

⚡ Shocking Suggestion: Encourage future pastors who are proficient but not gifted in preaching to allow others to regularly preach in their congregations, including developing an in-house preaching team. This will often mean well prepared lay preachers. (In fact, a team approach can benefit any congregation).

 The Dominican friar, Humbert of Romans, writing in the 13th century, declared:

The sound of preaching must have as many different tones and variations as singing does.

Treatise on Preaching

May it be so in Jesus Name. May we by faith, with the gift of grace, harness the power of preaching as a symphony of praise to God. Let the Holy Spirit use our preaching as an orchestra of instruction and inspiration for ourselves and our congregations.

May the preaching from our pulpits sound through our lives, in word and deed, far beyond the doors of our churches, “to the ends of the earth.”

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What’s the difference between happiness and joy?

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Fr. Goodrich preached this sermon online (via Zoom), based on 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 to a live congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, Iowa.

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5 Ways To Grow in Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian life. The Christian life can be thought of as a great voyage across great waters that begins in this life and continues in the life after. A voyage with high points of adventure and danger.

A voyage interspersed with stretches of sometimes tedious and sometimes hard labor. If you have ever rowed a boat across a lake you know what I am talking about. 🚣‍♀️

(I began writing this on a rowboat.  Tragically, a loon startled me, sending me and my laptop overboard. I confess that I provoked the bird. As it swam past I said several times, rather sarcastically, “Lost your mind have you?” It then flew at me.)

Prayer is a way we navigate this voyage. It is how we harness the tremendous power of the spiritual winds of the Holy Spirit for this voyage. Prayer is a strengthening to keep us on course during this voyage.

Perhaps, most importantly, prayer is how we come to know the one who voyages with us along the way, the Heavenly Captain, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Here are five ways to develop your life of prayer, whether you are a just beginning your spiritual voyage or whether you are an experienced spiritual seafarer:

1. Set Your Course Each Day through Prayer

Find a time to pray exclusively each day. By exclusive I mean a time you set aside only for prayer and devotion. A time you set aside each day, at approximately the same time each day, to meet with the Lord. An opportunity to be strengthened for the voyage ahead.

An opportunity to pray over your day. A time to pray for the people in your life. A time to listen to God. An opportunity to reset the course of your life.  🧭  

This quiet time could be for two minutes. It could be for twenty. For most people this will be in the morning, but for others it will be before they go to bed. The time of day is less important.

What is important is developing this as a daily habit. This daily appointment sets the sail of your soul, inviting God into the details of your life and releasing spiritual power into your day.

2. Pray to Adjust Your Sail Each Day

St. Francis De Sales, the 16th century spiritual director and guide said:

“Sprinkle a seasoning of short prayers on your daily living. If you see something beautiful, thank God for it. If you are aware of someone’s need, ask God to help…You can toss up many such prayers all day long. They will help you in your meditation and in your secular employment as well. Make a habit of it.”

Introduction to the Devout Life

These little prayers can adjust the sails of your soul to meet your day’s dosage of choppy waters. These prayers will usually be brief, maybe nothing more than a quick, “Thank you God” or a frustrated “Lord give me patience to help this person!”

You can season your day with these little prayers even without words, simply by pausing with prayerful intention toward God. 🙏    

3. Pray As a Member of the Crew  

Pray regularly with other members of the crew. This means worshipping at your  local church. It can also mean praying in smaller groups with friends and family. We are all members of the great fleet of God’s people.

Even when you feel lost at sea and far from any friendly shore or ship, you are connected by the power of the Holy Spirit with other believers. (Just be on the lookout for loons).

Praying regularly with others strengthens your awareness that you never pray alone. Praying regularly with others strengthens your own ability to pray, especially when the storms of life threaten to throw you off the ship of faith into the cold waters of despair.

Thankfully, prayer when offered with others can become a faith saving rope, securing you safely on deck.  🦺

4. More Than Petitions to Reach New Destinations

The Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer lists several kinds of prayer:  

       “The principal kinds of prayer are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, penitence, oblation, intercession and petition”

Petition is prayer you offer for yourself. Intercession is prayer you offer for others. Some spiritual writers use these terms interchangeably. In either case they are “asking prayers.”

Christian prayer is relational. In a trusting relationship it is appropriate to share our concerns, our needs, and even our wants.  Yes, there is a place for petition in your prayer life.

However, if you desire to reach new destinations in your spiritual voyage, you need to regularly practice other kinds of prayer: prayers of confession,  prayers of thanksgiving, and  prayers of praise.

You may learn to pray with Scripture or to pray with beads. As you grow in prayer the Spirit will grow in you a greater awareness of God love’s and a greater ability to love others (Matthew 22:36-40). 🧾

5.Persist Whatever the Conditions with Prayer

The most faithful thing you can do and the most helpful thing you can do to cultivate a regular prayer life is to persist in praying. Whether your voyage is presently turbulent or presently serene and whether you “feel” like praying or not, the key is to keep at it.

Sister Miriam Pollard, O.C.S.O., in her book, The Laughter of God writes:

“The most important part of prayer technique is to keep at it, to give it a daily place in our lives. If we are faithful to a daily amount of prayer, we will want to pray at other times during the day, in our various needs and activities. Even if the prayer time seems to be more than a refined nuisance, it is giving life to the rest of our day.”

(Excuse me, I just received an email from the Canadian Association for the Advocacy of Loons. In response, I attest that no loons were harmed in the research or writing of this article. Several jokes follow from here but let us finish up for now.)

 The Christian life is a great voyage, a high seas adventure of the soul. The heavenly Captain, Jesus Christ, has promised to be with us (Matthew 28:20).

So we will sail on faithfully through storm and sunrise until we arrive on that heavenly shore. In the meantime, with your Captain and crew, persist in prayer. Adventure awaits. Anchors away! ⚓   

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